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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Summer Term 2024

New things to learn and changes afoot!  

As your child's first year in school comes to an end, please take a look at the Parent Planner below to find out what learning will be taking place in the term ahead.  We will be asking for Parent Helpers for our Buddy River Trip on Tuesday 16th July and look out for the children's End of Year Reports plus Attainment Data on Friday 19th July.

Please remember, our door is always open for any conversations regarding transition into Year 1 or anything else you or your child would like to discuss. 

Summer Term 1 in Oak Class

This term began with the children thinking about the question, ‘Do all living things need the same to survive?’  We have been growing beans and investigating what plants need—sunlight and water (see the photographs below). We compared this to our work around animal growth last term.  Our weekly books have included The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Extraordinary Gardener.  Our garden area is looking bright and cheerful with the children having planted, watered and nurtured a range of bedding plants.  We nurtured some caterpillars, which then went into chrysalises and they finally developed into butterflies. We released 5 ‘Painted Ladies’ into the school grounds.  In the penultimate week of the term, we had a wonderful, scientific time during Science Week. We were lucky enough to have a look inside the Wonderdome and learn all about the different planets, the moon, what it is like in space and what it is like to be an astronaut.  We made bubbling planets with a mixture of bicarbonate of soda, food colouring and vinegar.  We used the opportunity to write about our experiment and got to showcase what we had done in an end of term Assembly to the rest of the school.



Welcome back to our penultimate term before the end of your child's first year in school!  This term is one of my favourite as the weather gets warmer and there are more opportunities to help the children with their learning outdoors.  It's also really incredible to see them making such great strides in their learning as they head towards the end of the Foundation Stage 2 Curriculum.  The Little Wandle Phonics assessments which took place before the Easter holidays saw the children having made exceptional progress in a number of cases.  If there are gaps in individual's knowledge, we aim to incorporate Keep Up sessions which take place on an individual basis as part of our daily routine and the teaching staff will let you know if these interventions are taking place for your child.

I have been trying to get in touch with our Community Police Officers about organising a visit to ours and the other Key Stage 1 classes.  So far, no one has responded to my enquiries so if any of you have suitable contacts that would enable us to make this possible, please do let us know.  Near the end of this term, we will be thinking about people who help us in the wider community hence the reason for our visit.


It is customary for our Oak Class children to do 2 trips during their first year in school.  One is to the Farm and the other is a trip to the local river with their Buddies from Year 6.  This is due to take place next term before they leave and we will let you know the date in next term's information.  

Hopefully you can see the Parent Planner below but as ever, if you would like a paper copy, we will attach some to the notice board outside the gate or if you would like one sent home in your child's book bag, please just ask.  

Welcome to Summer Term 1 !!
