Welcome to Silver Birch Class 2024-2025
Here you will find information and updates including photographs of what promises to be a busy, engaging and fun year!
What are we learning: Please join us in celebrating some of our key events and achievements via our termly updates . The updates can be accessed by clicking on the current term below.
In addition, you will also find our termly curriculum overview plus our weekly timetable.
The team: Class Teacher: Mrs Emma Bravery
Teaching Assistant: Miss Sophie Kerley
Class Information
Spring Term 1
We have PE on a Monday and Thursday so children need to come to school wear PE kit on these days please.
We aim to be outside for all break times where possible so please ensure that children are equipped for all weathers - gloves for the colder spells and sun hats and sunscreen for sunnier days!
Please ensure that children bring a water bottle (just water please) in everyday.
Children are welcome to bring a pair of named wellington boots to school to change into at playtimes if they wish to during the wetter months.