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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Spring Term 2023-24

Science Week was a great week in Y4. Our theme this year was 'Space'. We learnt a song to help remember the order of the planets, learned a little more about each planet during our planet 'speed dating' task and researched a planet that interested us the most. We also made 'moon monsters' using our electricity knowledge from earlier in the year and visited the 'Wonderdome' which give us a tour of the solar system in the school hall. 

PE - Dance Coach

In PE this half term we have had a dance coach from the Panthera Dance academy coming to work with us. Amelia has taught us a range of dance moves and we have created our own 'explorer' themed dances. 

In Part two of our DT unit we made our own 'basic biscuit'. We did this to understand the importance of food hygiene and to help us build our cookings skills.

Science - Electricty

Science this half term has been Electricty. We have been learning about circuits, conductors and how to make our own switches. There were plaenty of 'lighbulb' moments...

We sent a team orienteering at Dinton part last week! They had a great time and were very excited that they could put this term's geography skills into action. 

DT - Biscuit Tasking

In our DT work we are learning about product design. Today we completed the first piece of our research - to try a range of different biscuits currently on the market. We scored them by appearance, taste, texture and target audience.

PE - Tag Rugby

Last week we sent a team of Y4 to the School Games Tag Rugby competition. It was a tough day of competition but the team managed to celebrate a number of victories. 

Geography Hook Day - Map Skills

During our Geography afternoon, we started to explore maps. 

We used satelite maps/imagery to complete a orienteering challenge before moving back to the classroom and learning about digimaps. We used digimaps to explore the topography of the local area and looked back in time at previous versions of maps of Winterbourne Earls. We learnt about the 'Key' of a map and how to find out about the different symbols which are shown. 

Finally, we used maps to find grid references within the Salisbury area.


We had great fun!
