Please have a look at our curriculum overview to see what we are learning this half term.
Celebrating Summer Term 1
What a lovely term. It may have been a short term but it has certainly been a busy one!
We started the term with a fascinating trip to Portchester Castle which helped to bring our learning to life. With the help of the English Heritage guides, we learnt about life in the castle through the ages. The trip also provided a great stimulus for some super art work of which we are very proud.
Our work in English this half term focussed around Jack and the Beanstalk, during which we considered the tale from the perspective of the different characters through hot-seating exercises, culminating in a diary entry.
With beanstalks in mind, our Science unit was ‘Green Fingers’ in which we explored the different parts of plants before devising and conducting our own investigation to discover what plants need to grow and thrive.
SATs fell during this first summer term and we took them in our stride, using the assessments as an opportunity to show all the progress that we have made.
Science week was definitely a highlight of this half term. We were able to apply and extend our knowledge and our ability to work scientifically through a huge number of activities including, designing and constructing cars, building towers from spaghetti and marshmallows and creating dinosaur eggs. Our friends in Year 6 hosted a fantastic afternoon of practical science activities ranging from flying dinosaurs and underwater worlds to shadow theatres.
Excitingly, overnight our classroom became the scene of a dinosaur invasion! We arrived at school to find our classroom in chaos but luckily the dinosaur had left many clues for us to find and solve to determine the culprit!
Looking forward to Summer Term 2
There is much to look forward to in the final half term of the year including; local history week, exploring world around us and of course our school’s 150th birthday celebrations.
In addition, we will be learning more about the Islamic faith in RE, conducting exciting scientific investigations to build on our learning from Science Week plus practicing for the upcoming sports day.
Celebrating Summer Term 2
What a fantastic year we’ve had in Silver Birch Class this year! From Pirates and a trip to HMS Victory to exploring Castle life at Portchester, rounded-off with a super trip to investigate coastal processes at Lepe Country Park and beach.
Our learning has been extremely varied, in science alone we have explored many scientific principles through practical investigations: from the creation of electrical circuits to the making of slime, the creation of lava lamps to our very of ‘dinosaur invasion’. The children’s enthusiasm and zest for learning has been infectious!
We have often been spotted bringing our maths to life whether through data gathering, exploring 3D shapes with the help of spaghetti and marshmallows, or turning ourselves into robots to learn all about position and direction.
In art and design we have designed (digitally and by hand), printed, sewn, sawn, stuck, cut, painted and sketched!
We have been fortunate to have had many visitors to aid our learning, volunteers and the support of our parents – thank you!
Each and every child has grown as individuals, demonstrating kindness, resilience, courage and empathy along with making great academic progress. They deserve to be extremely proud of themselves as we are of them.