Please open the curriculum document to have a look at what we are learning over the Spring terms
Celebrating Spring Term 2
We have had another busy and successful half term in Year 2. One of the highlights has definitely been World Book Week, starting with the exciting of discovery a ‘tranimalator’ which allowed us to talk to animals! This discovery, from the book ‘Interview with a tiger and other clawed beasts too’ proved a fantastic stimulus for our own ‘interview with a …..’ writing which combined research (from our Science topic) with a large helping of creativity and artistic licence! World Book Week was further enhanced by a visit from a publisher to explain the publishing process and how ‘real’ authors experience many of the same challenges that we do when it comes to editing and improving work. We celebrated some of the different animals that we had been reading about in our whole-school dress up day, which was a lot of fun.
As part of our geography topic we compared and contrasted the UK with China, including the climate, landscape and culture. This wouldn’t have been complete with a Chinese cookery demonstration and, of course, the sampling of Chinese dishes!
The weather has been kind to us and enabled us to enjoy many PE lessons outside where we have developed sending and receiving skills alongside learning how to improve our general fitness. We also took the opportunity to conduct practical maths investigations into capacity and volume in our outside space.
Celebrating Spring Term 1
“Land Ahoy!” We embraced our new topic exploring considering the lives of pirates. This term has seen us explore pirate narratives and analysing the features of a ‘really good story’ before having a go at developing our own characters and plots based upon the text Pirates Love Underpants. We enjoyed singing sea shanties and experimenting with body percussion to really get into the ‘pirate spirit!’
Not quite golden doubloons but we have worked hard in our maths to understand pounds and pence, calculate change and solve some tricky problems involving money using real-life scenarios.
We were very excited to receive an e-mail from our class mascot, Fernando the Fox, who had appeared to have travelled across the globe to Somalia. Fernando sent us photos from the village in which he found himself allowing us to compare and contrast the human and physical geographical features with Winterbourne plus, put our mapping skills to the test in order to help him navigate his way home across the different continents and oceans. We went on our own geography field trip around the village to practice our directional and locational language as well as learning to use a compass. Fernando is not home yet so we think he may have taken a detour for another adventure…
We have been inspired by the art work of Eileen Downes so have experimented with different collage techniques and are preparing to create our own work to reflect a Somalian seascape or one of the fascinating creatures found in the Indian Ocean.
In PE we have been exploring different areas of gymnastics in addition to building upon our teamworking skills which reinforced the term’s value of respect.
We were fortunate to take part in a workshop led by the SCARF education team in support of our PSHE module of ‘rights and respect’ where we explored our feelings and how they impact us and others.