Maths Planning at Winterbourne Earls
At Winterbourne Earls, Maths is planned and coordinated by teachers using the White Rose planning documents to incorporate a mastery approach. As a school, we believe in teaching Maths using engaging activities embed an ethos of problem solving and reasoning.
All classes will use manipulatives, when appropriate, in order to embed mathematical concepts in the concrete stage or to prove their ideas. We have invested in Maths resources for all areas of the curriculum to support learners throughout the three stages: concrete, pictorial and abstract.
Yearly Overviews
Maths is taught in blocks. Most classes begin the year with Place Value and move through the units according to the teacher's judgement of children's understanding. Some blocks may take longer and others may take less time depending on the class's strengths and weaknesses.
For previous learning to remain fresh, we use Wizard Warm Ups to revise learning and prepare factual knowledge for upcoming lessons.
Teachers use formative assessment each day to inform their teaching for the next day. Children who have previously misunderstood may do pre teaching before the next lesson or have some same day intervention to avoid misconceptions.
At the end of each term, we do a termly assessment to monitor children's progress across the year. We use a question analysis to then analyse strengths and weaknesses in the class. This will then inform our Wizard Warm up focus for the next term or any concepts that may need to be revisited.
Below you will find the Yearly Overviews from Year R to Year 6.