As part of our 'What could be Healthier?' DT topic, we have been investigating Bolognese sauce recipes. This afternoon we taste tested 3 different sauces. A premium brand, a supermarket own and a homemade. We have talked about the qualities of each of the sauces and have begun to think about what makes one recipe or meal 'healthier' than another.
As part of our 'Healthy Me' PSHE topic this half term we have learned about the possible health impacts of smoking and alcohol misuse. However, this week, we looked at Emergency first aid. We used some online training by St John's Ambulance to learn about the 'Primary survey' and how to put unresponsive patients in to the recovery position.
Despite feeling a little self conscious, we all applied the 'DR ABC' principle before placing our 'patients' in the recovery position.
Y5 were set the challenge of researching something that interested them about Space and presenting their findings to the rest of the class. We had some fantastic models of the solar system, we learned about black holes, we found out about different constellations, got hands on with some rockets and so much more!
The children presented their projects to the rest of the class who were very keen to find out more and had lost of excellent questions to ask!
(A big thank you to parents and (grandparents) for helping at home!)
Well done everyone.
Year 5 have written their own Rainforest information text to give a quick intorduction into the fascinating world of the jungle.
We had a fantastic time at The Living Rainforest. It's about as close as we can actually get to visiting a 'real' tropical rainforest and understanding what it's like there. The children were definitely surprised by the consistent, humid heat - some found they needed some 'fresh air' before too long! We got to see some amazing animals up close (even if Cinnamon the sloth did stay hidden in her tree) and were enthralled by our 'sustainabililty and human impact'tour where we discussed the issue of sustainability and our own impact on the world's rainforests.
In RE, the children have designed and made a 'God for the modern day' as part of their Hinduism work. They were tasked with creating a god who they felt would help support people with modern day problems. The children then made a clay model of what they thought their 'god' might look like.