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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Summer Term 2023-2024

Titanic Dress Up Day letter

Parent Planner Summer 1

End of Summer 1!


Year 5 have hugely enjoyed their ‘Iceberg Ahead!’ topic this half term, learning all about the events of the Titanic. We have delved deep in to where, why and when the sinking occurred and the reasons behind this catastrophic event. We anticipate our trip to the SeaCity Museum in order to dig deeper into this learning! We have been using what we have learned about the Titanic to construct an in-depth non-chronological report in English, followed by writing a diary entry in the perspective of one of two main characters from our class book, ‘The Titanic Detective Agency’ by Lindsay Littleson. As well as this, in art Year 5 have looked at how in order to create a detailed and effective sketch of something as great as the Titanic, we must look at how to draw from a one-point perspective using a vanishing point. We then turned these into advertisements as though promoting the Titanic for the first time in 1912, using watercolour pencils to really bring them to life!

In PE, we have been practising our throwing and catching skills in Rounders; learning the rules and working in teams to win. Putting these skills to the test, a group of us competed against other primary schools at Wyvern St Edmunds, succeeding in coming 4th place!

We were incredibly excited to welcome Science Week, where we built rockets from various materials and tested the distance they were able to propel, due to Newton’s Third Law. We explored many other aspects of Space, including entering the Wonderdome, tasting some space food and after analysing Sam Ryder’s ‘Space Man’ and learning that songs can be interpreted as poems, we had a go at writing our own. After an action-packed half term, we are excited to progress this learning after the break!!
