Being a member of the FoWES Committee is very rewarding, we meet once a term to discuss and organise events which provide crucial funds used in school - when not on zoom there is often cake involved!!
Anyone is welcome to attend meetings and you do not have to be a part of the committee to assist with fundraising ideas and events.
If you have a nomination for one of the roles or would like more information about FoWES then please contact us at
There are two ways of doing this and both are very simple.
• If you use Amazon log into Amazon Smile and they will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to FoWES.
• For other online shopping go to
You will need to search and register on both for Friends of Winterbourne Earls School.
to all of you who supported and attended our Quiz Night
£422 was raised!
Money raised from these events go towards funding your child's trips and other requests. Please Please support future events.
To Everyone That Supported The Christmas Fayre
You Raised An Amazing
At our upcoming AGM we will be electing the following officers to the committee.
Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Community Officer.
We will also be looking for volunteers to act as class reps. Please see below for a brief description of these roles. If you would be interested in being part of our lovely team, please contact Amanda Tattersall via Facebook, or email or catch me at school (outside year 2 normally).
Chair meetings
Decide on Agenda
Named signatory
Liaise with head and other staff
Write the annual report
Agree expenditure
Vice Chair
Support Chair in all their responsibilities
To act in lieu of the Chair in their absence
Authorise payments
Agree expenditure
Takes minutes
Issues agendas
Keeps the contact list up to date
Ensures GDPR regulations are adhered to
Forwards FoWES correspondence
Agree expenditure
Compiles annual and regular financial reports
Manage the funds and accounts of FoWES
Logs annual return with charity commission
Organise and provide floats for events
Agree expenditure
Communications Officer
To be responsible for the FoWES Facebook page and website
Liaise with school secretary about App and other FoWES correspondence
Promote FoWES via suitable channels
Keep the FoWES notice board up to date
Agree expenditure
Community Officer
Liaise with any external charities who request FoWES support
Liaise with village to promote FoWES at village events
To contact businesses for raffle donations
To apply for any relevant licenses for events.
Agree expenditure
Class Reps
Promote up and coming events to class
Keep class Facebook page up to date with FoWES information
Liaise with class teacher with jobs for parent power days
To represent the class teacher during a meeting and bring any requests from class teachers
What a brilliant night the children had at the school disco! Thank you so much to everyone that helped make the evening run so smoothly!
86% of the school came to dance and the event raised a fantastic £120
Thank you to everyone that supported the Christmas Fayre. The children had a wonderful time! We raised a fabulous £1,788.31