Reporting to Parents
Since 2023, we have adjusted our reporting of children's progress and attainment to make it more meaningful for parents and targeted for children. We hold traditional Parents' Evenings in October and produce targeted academic reports in March. We constantly review our reporting but, since we have an open-door policy and an aim to build positive relationships with parents, we aim to address any concerns about progress or attainment swiftly through informal 'catch-ups' or more formal SEN support meetings, where relevant.
We feel that a shorter formal report ensures that teacher workload is recognised as a priority and so, in addition, for the last couple of years, we have offered an extra Mid-Year Parents' Evening in March straight after these reports so that individual targets can be explained fully. This has enabled parents to work alongside their children in these specific areas for the remainder of the year, ensuring the very best outcomes. At the end of the Summer Term, we sent home a short update report on how children had progressed on their targets, giving current levels. We then offered an Open Evening/ Meet the Teacher event where parents could discuss any queries regarding this progress report. Parents have agreed that this focused partnership helps ensure they are supporting the correct objectives at home.
We believe that this will reinforce key messages about the parental support needed for the key building blocks. In Early Years and KS1, we have reinforced the need for a daily reading routine, crucial practice of correct letter formation and an automatic recall of basic number bonds to 10 as key learning targets for every child. In KS2 we encourage children to include a breadth and depth of genres in their daily reading, fluent cursive writing and rapid recall of all times tables by the end of Year 4.
Individual targets are dependent on each child's ability but our aim is to provide a mastery curriculum where children have access to the whole curriculum through a scaffolded approach if children have additional needs and challenge of enrichment activities so that all reach their potential.
We value our partnership with parents and look forward to our 'Meet the Teacher' sessions at the start of term. Each year we have 85% of our parents coming into school to work alongside our children on an area of focus from the School Development Plan in our Parent Workshops in either the Autumn or the Spring Term. To help parents understand how to support their children, the focus in Early Years and KS1 has been on becoming familiar with the new Phonics and Reading Scheme. Almost all of our parents prioritise attending Parents' Evenings- we value the support and partnership this brings and are happy to adjust timings to ensure individual needs are met.