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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Spring Term 2023

Welcome back to the Spring term. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. This term we are learning about North America. Our topic is 'I have a dream', we will look at significant people including Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Our key question  will be 'Do all people have the same dream?' We will also be looking at maps of North America and the states that make up this area. We will be looking at climate, human and physical geographical features. Our Science topic this term is health and movement and in RE we are learning about creation and fall. 

I hope that the children will really enjoy this term, as always we would really welcome any parental support. 

Sounds of Easter - We had a lovely time with The Bridge today. The children recapped the Easter story in a fun, interactive way.

Making American biscuits (scones) was a great end to our unit on 'I have a dream' We even had some grown up taste testers in which was a treat!

I have a dream speeches. The children worked so hard on these and performed them to year 4. Well done everyone. They thought about our big question: 'Does everyone have the same dream?'

The year 3 Hockey and Netball festival at Chafyn was a wonderful event.

Snow fun March 2023!

World book day 2023. The Invisible by Tom Percival

Yoga - this term we have a fab yoga coach in to work with us.

The Bridge creation story. We created our own creatures in their own world.
