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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Term Time Absence

The Legislation from the DfE regarding Leave of Absence During Term Time has changed 

As from September 2024, regulations have changed significantly.

Please support your children by not taking them out of school during term time- the loss of learning  and individual catch up needed as a result of missing chunks of teaching (especially phonics)  is considerable. In the past, staff have had to work hard to provide individual catch up sessions for missed learning. Children find it hard to catch up successfully.

I no longer have discretion to authorise any term time holidays, even in exceptional circumstances. The message from County is to value your child’s learning by not taking holidays during term time. County will issue fines with court proceedings following non-payment. We have children in school for 38 weeks per year, leaving 14 weeks in which to take family holidays. Please ensure you plan holidays within these 14 weeks, details of which are on the Term Dates on the website. Thank you for your understanding of these new regulations.

We fully understand that hospital appointments can rarely be changed but please consider booking dentists’/doctors’ appointments in holidays, where possible.

If you wish to discuss any issues arising as a result of this information, please contact the school office.


Philippa Carter


