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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’


The Acorns page is a page we have set up for all our Pre-Schoolers hoping to start at Winterbourne School in September.  We hope you find the information helpful.  When your child starts school, they become part of Oak Class and we very much look forward to getting to know them and all of you very soon. 

Please read the Presentation and Welcome Booklet below for important information regarding your child's start to their schooling. yes

Parent Induction Evening May 2023

Websites worth a browse with your little preschoolers...


Two fantastic websites that the BBC have set up with ideas, activites and lots of generally interesting reading are worth taking a look through.


During the coming weeks, please think about how 'ready' you child is come to school and start in the Reception class. Remember that a Primary school is a much bigger, noisier and a busier place than the pre-school setting that they are used to. With 29 other children and only 2 adults in class, your child needs to be able to separate from you at the class gate, as well as being independent in many self help skills, such as cleaning themselves after using the toilet, wiping their nose, dressing & undressing, using a knife and fork correctly, or putting on shoes, socks and coat- please consider preparing them ready for starting in September. See below for ideas.

Things to practise before your child starts school

Its time to start practising for school in the coming weeks.  


Your child will be moving into a classroom with up to 30 other children and only 2 adults.  It is important that he/she can go to the toilet (and clean themselves with loo paper sufficiently), use a tissue to wipe his/her nose and be able to dress/undress with little or no help.  As we move into the Autumn term, after a Summer of good weather (hopefully) it is important that your child can put on and do up their own coat and shoes. 

It is also helpful if your child can recognise (read) their own name. We will label your child's peg and books using a capital, followed by lower case letters.  We do not label in capitals. When we have 30 identical jumpers, hats and sometimes similar shoes and coats, it gives your child a sense of identity within the group, as well as confidence, to be able to find their own clothing and bags.  (It also means that more of your child's items will return home at the end of the day! laugh

These are skills that will really help your child to be a confident member of the class.

**We are not expecting your child to be able to write stories, or do written addition or subtraction when they start school, but it does help if they are able to hold a pen/pencil correctly when they colour or draw pictures and have started to count aloud when they sing or play.

Please see the documents below for ideas and activities to do with your child, to prepare them for school in September.


Top tips from our Reception class Parents, for our New Reception Parents!

Diary dates

Induction Evening - 23rd May 2023 at 19.00

First Days of school stay until 11.50am - Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th September 2023

Stay for lunch until 12.45pm - Thursday 7th and Friday 8th September 2023

Full Time School Starts - Monday 11th September 2023


Induction - stay and play dates to follow soon.

