Autumn Term 2
We have had a wonderful term in Cherry Class. We have to mention the wonderful Nativity which we really hope everyone enjoyed. The children loved playing the different parts and I was so proud of all they achieved in putting on the best show!
We have also been working hard in English, focusing on writing information texts about castles and then finishing off writing some wonderful winter poetry using alliteration.
In Phonics, we have started learning our Phase 5 alternative graphemes - the children have done so well and their reading is really improving!
In Maths, we have been learning about Addition and Subtraction within 10 - we also learnt about 3D and 2D shapes.
We have loved learning about Winter as part of our Science topic as well, spotting the differences in weather, temperature and even the number of hours of daylight.
In DT, we made catapaults and tested how far they could launch a pom-pom.
In Music, we have spent a lot of time practising our nativity songs, but also learning the Banana Rap!
In Computing we have been learning how to programme Beebots and have had lots of fun learning how to direct them and move them from one place to another.
Our Christmas Lunch was of course a high point, the children loved listening to Christmas tunes and enjoying a roast dinner with their friends.
We would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Autumn Term 1
We have had a busy and exciting start to Year 1 in Cherry Class. We started the term off using The Colour Monster to help us recognise emotions and how they make our bodies feel. We talked about things we can do to help when we feel angry or sad or frustrated. We then moved onto our main topic 'Once Upon a Time' and used the story of Little Red Riding Hood to understand narratives. We had a go at writing our own version of the story in English and spent lots of time reenacting it using puppets in discovery time. In Maths, we have been looking at place value within 10 and comparing groups of objects and numbers within this. We have used ten frames a lot to understand how numbers are made up and the different ways that we can make numbers within 10. In Mastering Number, we have been consolidating this learning using our rekenreks and exploring numbers beyond 5 as being made up of 5 and a bit.
In Science, we started off by looking at Autumn and how we can tell when it is this season. We looked for signs of Autumn in the school grounds and looked at the weather on different days to compare.
In PE, we have been learning how to make basic shapes in Gymnastics and how to move our bodies using fundamental movements e.g. jumping, hopping, skipping.
In History, we learnt about Hans Christian Andersen and why he was famous. We looked at some of his fairy tales and talked about the importance of sources in History and how we can use them to find out about the past.
In Art, we have been colour mixing and using this knowledge to recreate artwork in the style of Jim Dine.
In PSHE we have been learning about how to value difference and to know that everyone is unique and special and that is what makes our class, school and the world an interesting place to be.
In RE, we looked at the Christian story of creation and answering the question of 'Who made the world?'
We also went on a school trip to Portchester Castle, where the children got to explore the lives of kings and queens who lived in the castle. We even went up the tower and got to see the whole castle from the very top! We learnt lots about castle life which we will use in our new topic after half term.
Have a wonderful rest and a good half term.
See you back in school on Monday 30th October!