Homework in Oak class is mainly based around consolidating and reinforcing the teaching of Phonics and Reading.
After their first couple of weeks in school, children will be bringing home Reading Books which are closely linked to the teaching of Phonics that has taken place in class. There is an expectation that you spend around 10 minutes per day, helping your child with their reading. This can be at any time that fits in with family commitments and activities outside of school.
Children in Oak class are often very tired after a whole day at school and sometimes, reading to a grown up in the evening is not the best time of day. Some families find that the morning is a better time when the children have woken up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. As the year goes by, you will find out when is best for you as a family.
If you are finding engaging your child in the homework a challenge, please do come to speak with a member of the team. We have many ideas up our sleeves and not all of them are based on bribery!!
No matter what age children are, they ALL love being read to. Please try to make this part of your daily routine. Bedtime stories are incredibly beneficial. If you would like to borrow books from school to read to your child, please speak to us and we can guide you as to which books are best. Alternatively, we loan out books from our school library as part of our class fortnightly routine.
Making maths and number part of everyday conversations and in play is incredibly important to developing your child's skills in maths. Board games, particularly counting games and games with dice are good activities to carry out with the whole family. Noticing signs with numbers on your walk or journey to school will often initiate conversations around number. If you require more guidance as to how to help develop your child's concept of number and to further reinforce the work we carry out at school, please come to speak with a member of the Oak Class Team. We will also be holding a Parent Workshop similar in format to the Reading Workshop in the Autumn term and the Writing Workshop held in the Spring term, during the Summer term and more details will follow. Please keep watching your Seesaw posts.