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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Special Visitors to School

Mr John Glen MP visit

We welcomed our Member of Parliament, John Glen, recently following a whole school focus on democracy. The Headteacher and Chair of Governors offered him a tour of the school during which the children explained enthusiastically what they loved about Winterbourne Earls - the friends they make, the variety of trips, the opportunities to represent the school in lots of sports, the positive relationships with the school staff and the high quality lunches! He was interested in their learning, asking about what they enjoyed most.


Having visited every class, he then joined in Worship in the hall with all Key Stage 2 children. He explained about his role and why he had become an MP. Children had prepared a number of searching questions which he answered in a manner that the children understood.

The School Council then hosted tea and cake with Mr Glen where he was further quizzed about championing the voice of children, including government funding.


Mr Glen said that he thoroughly enjoyed the visit, reporting that he was impressed that the children had taken time to prepare some very searching questions.
