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Winterbourne EarlsChurch of England Primary School

‘As each one does their part, we grow in love’

Autumn Term 2022

Autumn 2

We continued with our History focus of Romans this term.

In English we wrote stories based on the book 'Escape from Pompeii' and instructions for how to be a Gladiator.

In Maths, we have been focusing on multiplication and division this term. Our times tables have seen huge improvement with the majority of the class onto Level 2 or further of Mad Minute! Well done. Many of the class have moved up a level or two on Times Tables Rock Stars too- awesome effort!

In RE, we were learning all about What it is like to follow God. We learned about the story of Noah and looked at Christian Wedding ceremonies linking to our Autumn 1 focus of covenants. 

We had a lovely visit on Remembrance day from some of our parents of children in the class.

We took part in a skateboarding masterclass which was AMAZING! 


To end our term, we went on an amazing trip to the Roman Baths. Take a look at the amazing activities we did below!

Autumn 1

We have had a great term in Year 4. 

In English, we have written the myth of Romulus and Remus and written reports about the Romans. 

In Maths, we have learned all about place value, addition and subtraction.

In Science, we have learned about how sound is made.

In DT, we have made ear muffs related to Science and stained glass windows related to our RE topic of Judaism.

In RE, we studied Judaism and have been fascinated by the festivals, items in the synagogue and the stories of Moses and Abraham.

In Art, we have used materials to make and create mosaics linked with our topic of Romans.

Overall we have had an AMAZING term! Well done everyone!


Welcome to Autumn Term 1 2022


We have got a very fun, jam packed term ahead of us! 


Our topic this term is ..... THE ROMANS!


Our guided reading book is... Romans on the Rampage.


In English, we will be writing non-chronological reports, a myth and a poem. We will be focusing on accurate and consistent punctuation, sentence types, using apostrophes for contraction and possession, using inverted commas, conjunctions and describing characters.


In Maths, we will be learning about place value and addition and subtraction. 


In Science, we will be learning about Sound.


In RE, we will be learning about Judaism and how Jews have a special relationship with God.


In Computing, we will be learning about Online Safety.


In PE, we will be doing football and netball.


In French, we will be learning how to say places around a town.

